
The Chrysalis Story

Uncovering A Hidden Gem


The Chrysalis is a unique and handmade product that tells a story through its design. Designer Paul Marr Hilliard noted…

“There are other faceted blown glass pieces out there, the goal was to make something different and unique.” 

The Chrysalis is a work of art that deserves to be admired from a distance, drawing the onlooker in for further appreciation. Its unique and intricate glass-blowing techniques create an impressive statement that captivates the viewer. The approach on the Chrysalis was unique, two thick layers are blown into a mold. After the initial shape has been created the outer layer is removed through an artful grinding and polishing of the glass facets, to reveal the hidden inner sparkle of the clear glass material.


The reductive process is nothing new to Paul, as his background in sculpture shares this familiar idea. Starting with a block of stone and revealing what is hiding beneath demands a level of patience and understanding known by few. When working with stone, one wrong chisel strike can reduce your a work of art to rubble.

See The Full Collection

Paul is a sculptor in addition to being product designer and our Design Team Leader. He strikes a balance of what is beautiful and what is achievable. His knowledge of the process allows him to create products that highlight our strengths as a company, while fulfilling his aesthetic direction.


Meet our Design Team
Our Multi-Port System

Our multi-ports feature pendants that may be individually aligned or staggered at desired lengths to customize the design. With canopies that can easily be raised or lowered via cables, installation time is significantly reduced. Easy access to electrical components make these pendants fully field-adjustable.

Design Professional?

You’re design driven and we are, too. Have something specific in mind? Because we manufacture right here in Vermont, we have the ability to customize our product to suit your project needs.