
A Different Approach

The idea behind Art + Alchemy was to be able to design without restriction. Allowing the process to happen without as much concern of cost or manufacturing challenges.

By removing these constraints, unique designs were able to evolve and take flight, unburdened by “traditional” thinking. True creativity flourishes.



Have you met Hugo?

Hugo was a concept product we produced to push the limits of our design process. It perfectly illustrates why Hubbardton Forge encouraged the development of an experimental design atelier for a collaborative of designers, engineers, and makers at the company.

The freedom to design without limits, to let the imagination soar, is not something often afforded to many; however, Hubbardton Forge understood that to allow, and encourage designers to explore the full breadth of their creativity would bring depth and innovation to the entire company.

What you see today are many designs who owe their existence to our “friend” Hugo who was at the origin of our designers’ freedom of expression, today known as the ART + ALCHEMY Collection.

Hugo didn't make it as a product, but he taught us so much about reaching beyond limits along the way.